There is a high demand for creative 3D animators. They are needed in the video industry, advertisement, gaming and even website industries. With 3D animation, the animator uses traditional and new animation methods to produce real life computer generated animated imagery to visually interpret and convey information or messages. The […]
natural Sciences
Research references, bibliographies and indexes should be done concisely and logically so that a single flick of a finger is enough to reach references that readers are searching for. You may miss out a one or two references as that’s just human but when you are using a term paper […]
Buckminster Fuller and Sir C P Snow warned that the existing unbalanced understanding of the second law of thermodynamics was accelerating civilisation toward global disaster. To prevent that disaster, modern science needed to be reunited with the Classical Greek Era’s Humanities’ life science. A question arises, is it possible for […]
When you go to college you take psychology and philosophy courses which challenge the reality of existence, as the professor tries to get your mind to think outside the box. While this is a very good exercise, it confuses a good number of students. Perhaps I have a solution for […]
Psychology is a very broad subject which purely deals with human behavior, thoughts, reasoning and perceptions. It is very interesting for people who are always eager to work more for improving their existence. Besides finding a respected job, you can use psychology in several matters that constitute your everyday life, […]
How is it different from K-12? Why is this important to us? Discuss andragogy and life-long learning. Adult education, how is it different? Before we discuss the practical differences, let’s first address the two primary categories of education – pedagogy, and andragogy. Simply stated, in Merriam Webster’s online dictionary, pedagogy […]
Many teachers devote the first class meeting to giving a general description of the course and its requirements and, after answering questions about the course, either begin to lecture or dismiss the class early. But there are many things you can do on the first day that will help establish […]
It is commonly believed that education is one of the most powerful tools in eliminating poverty, elevating social growth, producing creative individuals and creating a highly innovative social environment. It is quite amazing to note that poverty and education are paradoxically linked with each other – when one is improved, […]
Darwinian Drama from Titan Books And so the new book showcasing the extraordinary talents of Julius Csotonyi arrives at our offices and we have been given the task of writing a review. This may be a new publication from Titan Books, but we are very familiar with the artwork. Visitors […]
Help is available– and the law is on your side. Its promise is simple: Every child counts. Every child is entitled to an education. Every eligible child with a disability is entitled to a “special” education – one that confers “meaningful benefits.” That is what Congress has said. That is […]