Do security cameras belong in schools? The answer to this continues to be the subject of heated debates. Parents and legislators are all for the installation of school security cameras while students and teachers vehemently oppose it. The issue is one that strikes a very powerful chord in schools everywhere, […]
Month: May 2024
Bioinformatics is a new and emerging field that utilizes computer technology to manage and analyze biological information. The use of bioinformatics is a shift from the traditional research methods where laboratories were used. Bioinformatics uses computational approaches and skills to solve biological questions (Neumann 2006). Bioinformatics approach is mainly used […]
When you are choosing which graduate school you will attend to obtain your doctoral degree in the field of psychology, you are most certainly searching for the schools that only accept the best of the best. Professors should be award winning in their specific areas of study, and students should […]
Many of the classroom management strategies that we discuss have a more general application. Let’s take a look at some strategies for students who need to move around during class time. The first thing we need to determine is what need is the behavior attempting to satisfy. Our best guess […]
Today you can define mental math in various different ways. Some would say, memorizing times table and remembering the solutions can form the part of mental mathematics. Some would say ability to perform simple calculations in your head can be mental mathematics. The web dictionary defines mental mathematics as “Computing […]
There are several aspects to any health benefits of oak aged wines and spirits. The first component is the wine or spirit itself. It has been thought for a long time, and recent research seems to back it up, that moderate consumption of 1 or two alcoholic drinks per day […]
Are swingers really at greater risk than others? Some years ago, an alarmist newspaper article ran the headline; ‘Middle-aged swingers indulging in drug-fuelled orgies are fuelling a rise in STIs’. A quick read of the article gave the impression that it was well based on unequivocal medical research. It was […]
Have you ever thought of completing a bachelor’s degree or even an MBA? What is stopping you? Is it the costs associated with higher education? Is it the years of commitment holding you back? Or simply the concept of returning to school is just too overwhelming! Today these concerns are […]
Paid advertising is a vast field of opportunity for every individual who wants to expand his business and grow with the trends of the market. Today the world is digitalizing itself and moving forward opening new doors in the paid marketing industry. There are many techniques for research on the […]
It’s no news that iPods have quite a following and can be literally found everywhere. But, is it right to use it in the classroom? (Educators everywhere sigh collectively and shake their heads in disapproval.) Quite obviously, students lean more (if not entirely) towards allowing iPods in school whilst most […]