During my 1978 Artist-in-residency at the University of Adelaide I wrote to black hole physicists around the world pointing out that when Einstein’s mathematical theories were subjected to the universal forces obeying the law of equal and opposite reaction, then later his worldview of physics reality would have to be […]

Many writers of the early days defined economics as “a science of wealth”. Adam Smith commonly know as the father of modern economics, defined economics as “An enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nations.” These definitions were defective because they gave much importance to wealth. As wealth […]

Traditionally – multiple sclerosis (MS) has been (and still is) treated with medicines prescribed by the doctor (the conventional thinker [science shows us these medicines work (?) so I am obliged to recommend them approach]), such as: antibody treatments, steroids, beta interferon, and synthetic myelin proteins, etc. to help contain […]

The compulsory attendance of children to go to school starting at the age of six to up nineteen in the thirteenth grade is called the K 12 educational system. Learning about a little bit of the background of this type of educational system makes it easier to understand its overall […]