Natadrol Review – The Natural Alternative To Steroids!

Natadrol is a new supplement from LG Sciences that is billed as a phyto based alternative to andro based hormonal supplements. Natadrol is a mixture of 4 potent plant based anabolic agents that have some interesting science behind them and could be a very exciting alternative to things like Tribulus Terrestris and even could compete with andro based prohormones.

Many of the ingredients in Natadrol are new, but there are some ingredients that are also well established in the bodybuilding community for being excellent performance enhancing agents. The combination of these ingredients into one supplement is very unique however. Here is a run down of the ingredients in Natadrol:

Androgenic Fraction

Tinospora Cordifolia is the first ingredient on the bottle and it is specifically called out to be the ethanolic extract of this herb. Studies using dehydrotestosterone as the standard, have shown that the ethanolic extract of Tinospora is about as androgenic as hydroxy-testosterone. This makes it pretty potent for an herbal based supplement. The ethanolic extract was also shown to not at all be estrogenic, which means only the ethanolic extract is appropriate for bodybuilders. Anyone wishing to use Tinospora for its muscle building effects should ensure that they have the ethanolic extract in their supplement to avoid any complications.

Anabolic Factor

Cissus Quadrangularis is the “anabolic factor” in Natadrol. This ingredient is well known as a weight loss agent, joint repair product and is also thought to be an anti-cortisol supplement. It is hypothesized that Cissus is also an anabolic agent in muscle cells and it has lots of anecdotal reports on its use in that way. It appears that Cissus is a very potent ingredient for reducing obesity and increasing healing according to the published studies and the countless anecdotal reports.

Natadrol wasn’t the first supplement to use Cissus and the reports of healing injuries and increasing mass are well established with other Cissus based products. The ingredient’s nutritional properties are all part of a proper muscle gaining supplement program, so it makes sense why Cissus is in the product and it should work well in conjunction with the other ingredients.

pSARM Cofactors

pSARM or phyto-sarm is a term used for plant based agents that show a tendency to build muscle through non-androgenic routes or may boost testosterone. Natadrol contains Hibiscus extract, which has been shown in rats to be anabolic to muscle without having estrogenic or androgenic side effects. Hibiscus extract is a best taken as a water based extract in conjunction with other androgenic based extracts. Curculigo Orchiodes is an herbal extract that may boost testosterone, increase sex drive and act like testosterone on its own. These two potent phyto-sarms are a welcome addition to the androgenic and anabolic factors and should push the balance toward extreme muscle building. Both Curculigo and Hibiscus have scientific literature showing that they have SARM like qualities in androgenic responsive tissue.

The combination of the four ingredients covers all of the androgenic and anabolic bases and could certainly be compared to a sane level of andro based prohormones. The beauty of this mix is that it is totally natural and appropriate for drug tested athletes and employees. This has become a pretty big concern for people in the military or in a collegiate athletic program and is a welcome alternative for people who can’t use andro based supplements.

The manufacturer recommends a light PCT or post cycle therapy with Natadrol. Post cycle therapy is when a person uses something after a cycle to boost natural testosterone production. This is something that is usually reserved to someone taking andro based supplements, but with the Tinospora being shown to be androgenic, it makes sense why the manufacture would suggest PCT with this supplement.

Natadrol has the ability to a replacement for many andro based supplements for athletes who are drug tested or normal males that are interested in staying completely natural. It has an interesting ingredient profile and the preliminary science certainly suggests that the claims by the manufacturer are valid.

The most exciting ingredient is the Tinospora extract. Many herbal preparations claim to be androgenic, yet many are judging this simply by the results in lab animals, which isn’t quite accurate. Tinospora is different because it has been tested against an androgenic reference standard which makes it very unique among herbal preparations.

Based on the real world feedback, it certainly appears that Natadrol will give you results similar to andro based supplements and perhaps even illegal steroids and combined with proper diet and exercise should help you reach your fitness goals!

Natasha M. McKnight

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